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Nr.  TipCotaAutorTitluDisponibil
11CarteSZE1.1Szende KatalinTrust, authority, and the written word in the royal towns of medieval Hungary da
12CarteADA3.2Adamson, Peter ed.Philosophy and medicine in the formative period of Islamda
13CarteRES1.1Reske, Christoph Die Produktion der Schedelschen Weltchronik in Nürnbergda
14CarteCRE1.2Crescas, HasdaSefer or adonaida
15CarteBIBL1.45Golob, Nataša,; Vodopivec, Jedert (ed.)Bookbindings : theoretical approaches and practical solutions da
16CarteBIBL1.46Reynhout, Lucien; Victor Benjamin (ed.)Librorum studiosus : Miscellanea palaeographica et codicologica Alberto Derolez dicata da
17CarteBIBL1.49Corbellini, Sabrina; Murano, Giovanna; Signore, Giacomo (ed.)Collecting, organizing and transmitting knowledge [Texte imprimé] : Miscellanies in late medieval Europenu
18CarteBIBL1.50Schubert, Martin; Overgaauw, Eef (ed.)Change in medieval and Renaissance scripts and manuscripts da